A Typical Day

A Typical Day in our Nursery School

So what does a typical day look like?

That’s a difficult one to answer, as it will be different for each child! However, it’s likely that it might be a bit like this:-

  • Arrival at nursery, find peg and hang coat up;

  • Find your name card and “write” your name on the self-registration sheet;

  • Make a decision about where you want to work;

  • Listen for the music that means its group time;

  • Go to your colour group to say hello and continue your group learning with the adults working with you;

  • Make a decision about where you want to work, will it be inside or outside?;

  • Stop for a bite to eat in the snack area after washing hands;

  • Go to the toilet! Wash hands again;

  • Choose to work somewhere else, or return to what you were doing before;

  • Tidy up

  • Join the rest of the school for a story and rhyme time;

  • Get ready to go home, or stay for lunch or after-school club!